Friday, October 29, 2010

Are We Responsible for our Brothers (Sisters)

I say yes! I think back to the time I was a young wife and mother and I wish someone had offered help or advice. I also think about the statement "it takes a village". These sentiments make me feel responsible for my fellow man. It is my turn to give back because I can. I can because I have more time. I can because I have more experience. I can because I am able. Every day that I can do the things I need to do is a good day and reminds me to give back and help others. Why not teach someone how to do something I have done a million times. Everyone does not need to learn by trial and error. We should all benefit from the experiences of those who have gone before us. I belong to a community that reinforces this on a daily basis. Just the fact that I can say I belong to a community is already a step in a positive direction. So to my family, my friends, my fellow man--I say, I am here to help. Call upon me!

Are We Responsible for our Brothers (Sisters)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


They used to call it journaling but now it's a blog. What's the difference? Journaling contains our thoughts but keeps them private. Blogging contains our thoughts but publishes them for everyone to see. Are we better off? Do we need to know exactly what everyone is thinking all the time? Whether we need to or not, it's out there for everyone to see. So read on blogeteers.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


For some time we have been hearing about the need for healthcare reform. There are many reasons cited for the need for reform. Certainly, it would be hard to argue against trying to provide better healthcare to everyone at affordable rates. We also hear a lot about cutting costs and eliminating waste. We've been lead to believe that the best minds in the country are working to accomplish these goals. I am not convinced this is true. I actually believe the worst minds in the country are working on these issues but not as a means of achieving worthwhile goals. I think the only goals being met are that these incompetent people are saving their own jobs. Here are two examples.

I work in a physician office. This past week we received a letter from an insurance carrier reminding us that they were getting out of the Medicare Advantage business and that as of January 1, 2010 they would no longer offer a Medicare Advantage plan. They then went on to explain that they needed to amend our current contract to participate in their Medicare Advantage plan because it was not in compliance with current Medicare guidelines. So, despite the fact that they will abandon this plan in approximately 45 days they spent a great deal of money sending these notices to all their participating providers. Is that waste or stupidity or what?

Second example. The following is a quote from Trailblazer our local Medicare provider who issued this statement in a recent notice to providers. "Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians ........... do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Internet-based Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and also contains the physician/NPP’s NPI." Can you please repeat this for the intelligent. I believe Medicare just said that despite being enrolled in the Medicare program many physicians do not have a current enrollment record in Medicare. Is that even possible? Apparently, it is. A provider could have enrolled in Medicare 25 years ago and because they have not had the need to update their enrollment record for any reason, i.e. they did not move, they did not make any changes to their corporate structure, etc. they do not have an enrollment record in a new and separate system that was created to contain provider enrollment records. So even if there are no changes to report providers must now re-enroll in Medicare to obtain an enrollment record in this new system. Was it not possible for Medicare to transfer all their current enrollment records into the new system that they created? This might just have been too easy.

So, can anyone tell me how either of these situations will help provide better healthcare for all at a reasonable cost while eliminating waste?????? Help!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Customer service. Does anyone know what that is? I'm certain that those under 25 have no idea what it is because they have never seen it, never used it and don't know how to give it. What's wrong with the situation when you can call a company three different times asking the same question and get three different answers, none of which is actually correct. It would not be so frustrating if this situation was limited to one company or one industry but it is all pervasive. Everyone knows that if you call an airline to ask a question and you are not being helped you simply hang up and call again and hope the next person is a) actually helpful and b) actually knows what he or she is talking about. If that does not work, you try again hoping the third call is the tie-breaker. Of course getting to speak to a live person is another source of irritation in the customer service game. First you must experience voice mail jail. Once you win your get out of jail card which can take a long time you then have the pleasure of talking to a live person who may actually know even less than the voice mail. So what to do???????? I think there's a market out there for someone to start a business whereby they will make all the annoying calls for you, spend the time, get the info you need and report back to you. Anyone interested?

Friday, November 28, 2008

What I'm Obsessed With Today

Today it is bugging me that the airlines do not like their customers. Why do I say that? They like us well enough to take our money but they do not like us well enough to treat us well. We all know that customer service is dead in general but the airlines have taken this concept to a new level. They should not even call people their customers. They should call us their prisoners. We are their prisoners because despite the fact that we purchase tickets with OUR money, the airlines still own the tickets. How do I know they still own the ticket? If I actually owned the ticket, I would be able to give it to my husband or my children or to anyone else I know if I cannot use it. Instead, I am ALLOWED to give it back to the airline for which they will give me a credit to use on their airline some time in the future but only after they deduct some penalty for my inablility to keep the plans I originally made. I buy a movie ticket, it is mine. I can't go to the movie I give it to my daughter. I buy a ticket to a concert. I cannot use it, I give it to my husband. I buy a ticket to a play. I can't use it, I give it to my friend. I think you get the point. No penalties, no problems, just give these other tickets to someone else. I buy an airline ticket and the airline still owns it. I am only renting the right to actually use this ticket I bought and, if I do use it, I am still not treated like a customer. I am still a prisoner but, don't get me started on what happens when I actually use the ticket I am renting. Maybe I'll explore that another day.